Bina Teknolojisi
Yüksek Lisans
Araştırma Alanları
- Hacim ve bina akustiği ölçüm, modelleme ve akustik konfor değerlendirmesi.
- Farklı kullanıcılar için (yetişkinler, çocuklar, işitme engelli bireyler) akustik kriterlerin değerlendirilmesi.
- Binaı ve hacim akustiği ile ilgili kriterler, kılavuz dökümanlar ve mevzuat çalışmaları.
- Çevresel gürültü ölçümleri, değerlendirmesi ve gürültü kontrolü önerileri.
İş Deneyimi
2020 /
Devam Eden
Türk Akustik Derneği
2007 /
Principal Acoustic Consultant
2002 /
Technische Universiteit Delft
2005 /
Marie Curie Bursiyeri
Danimarka Teknik Üniversitesi (Kopenhag)
İdari Görevler
Görev Adı | Görev Yeri | Başlangıç tarihi | Bitiş Tarihi |
İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölüm Başkanı | İç Mimarlıık ve Çevre Tasarımı | 01.02.2021 |
- Şaher, Konca; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Sezgin, Hakika; Nas, Sezin; Kelle, Dilara; Demiral, Yücel (2024), "REFLECTIONS ON THE INTERNATIONAL NOISE AWARENESS DAY 2023 ACTIVITIES", Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration,
- Nas, Sezin; Şaher, Konca; Mıhçı, Gürkan; Aytıs, Saadet (2024), "EXPLORING THE ACOUSTIC IDENTITY OF DERINKUYU UNDERGROUND CITY", Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration,
- Luzzi, Sergio; Bartalucci, Chiara; Macchie, Sara Delle; Pedrero, Antonio; Saher, Konca (2024), "INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS AMONG SCHOOLS AS A FOLLOW-UP OF THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF SOUND", Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration,
- Şaher, Konca; Öztürk, Ayşe; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Demiral, Yücel; Ozankan, Altay (2023), "THROUGH HEALTIER LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN TURKISH SCHOOLS", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum,
- Şaher, Konca; Sezgin, Hakika; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Nas, Sezin; Kulak, Seda; Özçetin, Zuhal (2023), "EXPERIENCES FROM IYS 2020, PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND AWARENESS ACTIVITIES IN TURKEY", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum,
- Aslan, Ahmet; Saher, Konca; Tozoglu, Ahmet Erdem (2023), "ACOUSTIC TRANSFORMATION OF ROCK-CUT CAVES INTO PERFORMANCE SPACES", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum,
- Şaher, Konca; Bulunuz, Mızrap; Kelmendi, Jonida; Nas, Sezin (2023), "Assessment of speech intelligibility during different teaching activities in classrooms with and without acoustic treatment", Applied Acoustics, Vol.207, DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109346
- Şentop Dümen, Ayça; Şaher, Konca; Kurra, Selma (2022), "Towards new acoustic policies in the 'new normal' of the Covid-19 pandemic", Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics,
- Şentop Dümen, Ayça; Şaher, Konca; Kurra, Selma (2022), "Towards new acoustic policies in the 'new normal' of the Covid-19 pandemic", Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics,
- Şentop Dümen, Ayça; Şaher, Konca (2020), "Noise annoyance during COVID-19 lockdown: A research of public opinion before and during the pandemic", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.148, No.6, 3489-3496 DOI: 10.1121/10.0002667
- Saher, Konca; Nas, Sezin; Karaböce, Baki; Kirbaş, Cafer; Bilgiç, Eyüp (2016), "Room acoustic modelling of a reverberation chamber", Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, 1043-1049
- Şaher, Konca (2016), "Mountain Bike Venue Test Event noise assessment London 2012 olympic and paralympic games", Akustika, Vol.25, No.1, 62-65
- Şaher, Konca; Nijs, Lau; Hordijk, Truus (2014), "Acoustic design guidelines for adults with intellectual disability", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Vol.2014-January,
- Şaher, Konca; Cahill, Ben (2014), "London 2012 olympic and paralympic games-Acoustic design aspects of temporary venues", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Vol.2014-January,
- Cahill, Ben; Saher, Konca; Hill, Noel (2011), "Carbon critical design considerations in acoustic design", Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol.33, No.PART 1, 7-13
- Şaher, K.; Hill, N.; Clouston, J. (2008), "Comparison between column speakers and flat panel speakers in a metro station by odeon", Institute of Acoustics - 24th Reproduced Sound Conference 2008, Reproduced Sound 2008: Immersive Audio, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol.30, No.PART 6, 305-315
- Nijs, Lau; Saher, Konca; Den Ouden, Daniël (2008), "Effect of room absorption on human vocal output in multitalker situations", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.123, No.2, 803-813 DOI: 10.1121/1.2821410
- Ozis, Feridun; Saher, Konca (2007), "Investigation of room acoustic properties for clarinet and piano in recording studios", Turkish Acoustical Society - 36th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2007 ISTANBUL, Vol.4, 2632-2635
- Saher, Konca; Nijs, Lau (2007), "Acoustical quality investigation in living rooms in day-care centers", Turkish Acoustical Society - 36th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2007 ISTANBUL, Vol.4, 2646-2650
- Angelakis, K.; Şaher, K.; Alvarez, J. (2006), "Virtual representation and qualification of soundscapes of open public spaces", Institute of Acoustics - Spring Conference Futures in Acoustics 2006: Today's Research - Tomorrow's Careers, Vol.1, 98-104
- Şaher, Konca; Angelakis, Kostas; Alvarez, Jorge (2006), "Performance and Rehearsal Hall for children: Collaboration between architecture and acoustic students", Institute of Acoustics - 6th International Conference on Auditorium Acoustics 2006, 195-201
- Şaher, Konca; Nijs, Lau (2006), "Absorption coefficient for acoustical quality in living rooms in care centers for people with intellectual disabilities", Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, Vol.5, 3158-3165
- Şaher, Konca; Rindel, Jens Holger; Nijs, Lau (2006), "Comparisons between binaural in-situ recordings and auralizations", Audio Engineering Society - 120th Convention Spring Preprints 2006, Vol.4, 1700-1707
- Şaher, Konca; Nijs, Lau; Van Der Voorden, Marinus (2005), "Definition of material properties in the acoustical model calibration", Audio Engineering Society - 118th Convention Spring Preprints 2005, Vol.3, 1364-1371
- Şaher, Konca; Rindel, Jens Holger; Nijs, Lau; Van Der Voorden, Marinus (2005), "Impacts of reverberation time, absorption location and background noise on listening conditions in multi source environment", Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005: 4th European Congress on Acustics, 2517-2522
Proje Adı | Görevi | Proje Türü | Fon Kuruluşu | Proje Tarihleri |
101008186 CONSIDER-Sustainable Management of Industrial Heritage as a Resource for Urban Development | Araştırmacı | Uluslararası Proje | HORIZON 2020 |
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DESIGNHUB-İST Tasarım Eğitim ve Uygulama Merkezi | Araştırmacı | Ulusal Proje | İSTKA |
01.12.2021 30.05.2023 |
21514107-232.01 -230370: İşitme Engelliler için Sınıf Akustiğinin İyileştirilmesi | Yürütücü | Ulusal Proje | TÜBİTAK BİDEB |
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Verilen Dersler
Ders Adı | Ders Kodu | Dönem |
İç Mimari Tasarım Sistemleri II:Yapı Malzemeleri | IAR254 | 2024/25 Bahar |
İç Mimarlıkta Kullanıcı Deneyimi Tasarımı | IAR344 | 2024/25 Bahar |
İç Mimari Tasarım Sistemleri III: Bina Servisleri | IAR351 | 2024/25 Güz |
İnsan Odaklı Tasarım | DES514 | 2024/25 Güz |