Prof. Dr. Banu Manav, the Dean of KHAS Art and Design Faculty and the Coordinator of DESIGNHUB-IST Design, Training and Application Center, won the “Research and Education” award at The …
Cansu Erdem, a graduate of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, won the first prize in the 8th Mekan 2021 Interior Architecture Students National Graduation Projects Competition, organized by Istanbul …
Asia Young Designer Awards (AYDA), which Nippon Paint has organized for 13 years, was held simultaneously in 16 countries with the participation of Turkey this year. The projects of our …
Konya Karapınar’da, 20 milyon metrekarelik bir alanda kurulan Karapınar Güneş Santrali’nin Denetleme, Kontrol ve Veri Merkezi (SCADA) için açılan mimari proje yarışması sonuçlandı. KHAS İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü …
The Lighting Products Design Contest conducted in cooperation with Istanbul Planning Agency and IMM Department of Parks, Gardens and Green Areas has ended. The team led by Mustafa Akkaya, who …
İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü öğrencisi Fahreddin Fatih Mete’nin 11 Numaralı Projesi ile Ebru Sıla Tanrıverdi ve Tuğçe Ünan’ın 50 Numaralı Projesi, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi İç Mimarlık ve Çevre …
The Project 11 by Fahreddin Fatih Mete, a student in the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, and the Project 50 by Ebru Sıla Tanrıverdi and Tuğçe Ünan were …
İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü 4. Sınıf Öğrencimiz Cansu Erdem, Mobilya Aksesuar Sanayicileri Derneği (MAKSDER) 11. Ulusal Mobilya Aksesuarları Tasarım Yarışması’nda Giysi/Giyinme Dolabı Organizasyonu Kategorisi’nde üçüncülük ödülü ile Kalebodur’la …
Cansu Erdem, senior student of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, was entitled to receive two awards; one is the third prize in the category of Clothing Cabinet/ Wardrobe Organization by …